Coworking Space
We have a few tables in our dining hall that are used for coworking.

Installed wall power outlets are limited, but we have several extension cables and one power strip for every table.
For the security of your electronic devices, this area is surveilled 24/7 with night-vision CCTV. For more information, see our Safety Infrastructure page.
We have an internal fiber LAN that supplies signal to wireless access points at various locations around Tera Frutis.
The main community area (Dining Hall, Kitchen, and Community Center) all has WiFi.
We also have an access point at our Bungalow Five (5) and Palm House.

We have an AP broadcasting WiFi from our guyed lattice mast, but please be aware that many of our bungalows and the majority of our property does not have WiFi signal.
If is important that you can charge and access the internet from your bedroom, please make sure to let us know before you come.
Cell Phone Signal
It is not possible to connect to cell phone towers from Terra Frutis.
We’re tied to the Ecuadorian grid, which provides us with ample quality power, but there are typically several multi-hour outages per week.
If the power goes out, then the internet also goes out.

As of October 2023, we currently only have one 100 watt solar panel. If the sun is shining then we can manually switch the internet power source from mains to solar.

Internet Connection
Currently our Interent is provided by Starlink
Nestled along the remote hillsides that straddle the Zamora river in the Amazon jungle, we don’t (yet) have an option for coax cable or fiber internet. We have a guyed lattice mast with a p2p that bounces microwave signal from hill-to-hill, but we found it to be too lossy and with too many outages for our needs.

When shared by many people in our growing community, starlink provides us with about 6 Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload. Latency isn’t as great as fiber, but it’s much better than satellite.
In general, our Internet should suffice for most of your coworking needs. But you may have occasional hiccups during HD video conferencing.
Last updated on October 19, 2023